The Two Beekeepers are always looking for apiary locations. If you have a location that you think could have anywhere from one to 10 or more colonies on it we may be interested in placing bee hives on your property. There are some determining factors such as being easy to get to, away from human activity and disturbance, near plenty of nectar producing trees and flowers and have the proper weather exposure.
The Two Beekeepers will perform all management services, provide all equipment and bees to make the hive complete. All costs of feed, mite treatments, queens, and replacement bees when needed are taken care of by us.
We visit the hives and take action for swarm prevention, disease management, supplemental feeding, and adding or removing equipment as needed to accommodate the honey flow and seasons. This includes the removal of excess or surplus honey.
Honey harvesting can be done in a few different ways. You have the option of harvesting your own frames, in which case the beekeeper will remove the frames from the hive and leave them in a safe place for you to harvest. If you would rather have us harvest the honey for you, there is a modest bottling fee. We ensure that your honey remains separate from others, and return it to you in labeled jars.
Depending on the number of hives and the agreement, honey harvesting can be done in a few different ways. You have the option of harvesting your own frames of honey after the Two Beekeepers remove it from the hive. Or, the Two Beekeepers can remove the honey and extract it for you.
Please contact us to discuss your location and apiary management costs.